Friday, July 6, 2007

Do You want Your Share?

Online gaming is the fastest growing industry in cyberspace.The internet is the fastest growing marketplace in the world,but the online sector growing four times faster than the internet is the online games skill market.
A skill based game is a web game played in a tournament format,with each player paying a cash entry fee to play,and with a cash or merchandise prize going to the winner or winners of the tournament.Skill games are named accordingly because the outcome of the competition is based on the players ability and performance with any elements of luck eliminated or greatly reduced.This is critical, in order to be legal and avoid falling under anti-gambling statutes. Taking the fact that online gaming is growing at four times the rate of overall internet growth and the increasing numbers of users online it is aesy to see why companies like MTV networks are looking for a piece of the action. The market in 2007 is worth $5.2 billion dollars.This means in the 15 minutes you take to read this,$147,600 has been spent and the market is growing at an exponential rate. This market is being driven by the fact that broadband usage is increasing in private homes,which is allowing people to play these games,coupled to an increasing acceptance to play online games. The online games sector has been identified as the next step in the evolution of online entertainment,and people of all ages all over the world are playing in their millions.There are currently game networks with hundreds of thousands of players,playing games at any one time. A wide variety of users see the internet as a primary entertainment medium,and casual games comprise a main staple of the entertainment value of the internet.As the audience for online content grows,so does the amount of money spent in space. This is why major TV networks such as SKY TV and MTV networks are interested in this market and are staking their claims,as figures show that in-game advertising is set to grow 70% year on year and will reach $1 billion USD in 3 years. We all play games,across all all age ranges and genders and it transcends all cultures because it is part of the human spirit.We all have a need to compete with others as well as ourselves.People play games not so much for the game itself as for the experience the game creates: an adrenaline rush,a victory or a mental challenge,they even provide a moment of solitude or an interaction with friends. We play games to create moment to momment experiences which are fun and in the process generate billions in cash. Tonight when you go to bed somebody somewhere is cashing in on this market.The good news however is that in the morning when you wake up you can do something about getting your share in it.


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